Mia Robertson can’t stop crying.

Mia Robertson, daughter of Duck Dynasty stars Missy, and Jase Robertson, is mourning this week after learning of the death of a man who had a significant impact on her life.

Dr. David Genecov, who had been treating the young patient for many years, died the previous Saturday in an automobile accident.

Missy Robertson announced the news on Instagram while her daughter Mia was undergoing surgery to repair a cleft lip and palate. She explained how her husband’s talents and medical inventions made a difference.

“His caring nature helped calm her (and me), but his unwavering encouragement to both of us that we can do difficult things helped make Mia and me stronger than we could have imagined,” Missy says.

“His constant encouragement that we can do difficult things helped make us more powerful than we could have imagined.”

Mia Robertson’s journey has been meticulously documented since she was a small child. She had her 14th operation in July, which she believes will be her final one. Her Mia Moo Fund was established to help ensure that every child has the opportunity to smile.

According to Missy Robertson, she informed Mia of the situation, which Mia is taking very seriously. Dr. Genecov’s willingness to include Mia in decision-making, as well as his impeccable attire, will be remembered fondly by the family.

“He was more than we could have hoped or imagined for the journey her cleft would take. We will miss him greatly, but we are grateful for the work he did for Mia and all of his cleft lip and palate patients, as well as the legacy of medical breakthroughs he leaves behind for future generations.”

Mia has yet to mention the incident in any of her social media posts. “She can’t remember her life before she met Dr. David,” her mother continues. “We ask that you pray for his family and everyone affected by his death.”

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