Heartbeat” was a popular British police procedural period drama series that aired from 1992 to 2010. It was based on the “Constable” series of novels by Nicholas Rhea and was produced by Yorkshire Television before transitioning to ITV Studios. Set in the North Riding of Yorkshire in the 1960s, the show featured a mix of real-life and fictional locations. The series followed the lives of police officers as they dealt with various cases in the picturesque countryside. The original cast included actors like Nick Berry, Niamh Cusack, and Derek Fowlds, with additional characters introduced over the years. The show’s success led to the filming of outdoor scenes in locations like Whitby and Goathland, while interior scenes were shot at The Leeds Studios. The series was praised for its engaging storytelling and nostalgic portrayal of a bygone era.

Nick Berry played PC Nick Rowan in Heartbeat for six years from series one to series seven – he even sang the theme tune to the show!

Following his character’s exit – he left for Canada – Nick had a successful career as a singer. His other most notable role included playing Simon Wicks in EastEnders from 1985 to 1990. He retired from acting in 2012 to be a stay-at-home father to his two sons.

Mark Jordon

Mark Jordon played PC Phil Bellamy for 15 years, leaving the show in its 17th season in 2007 when his character was tragically killed off. He was best known for his on/off relationship with barmaid Gina Ward, who he eventually married.

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