Pat Sajak, the legendary host of the popular game show “Wheel of Fortune,” has two children who have often been in the spotlight due to his long-standing role on the show. His daughter, Maggie Sajak, was a serious contender to take over her father’s hosting duties. Meet Maggie and her brother, Patrick Michael James Sajak, and learn more about their lives, careers, and connections with their famous father. This story explores how Pat’s children have followed in his footsteps while also forging their own unique paths and interests.

Pat Sajak is about to have a lot more time to spend with his family. After over 40 years as the host of “Wheel of Fortune,” he is retiring, with his final episode airing on June 7. In a video shared with Good Morning America ahead of his farewell episode, Sajak expressed his excitement for the future, which includes spending quality time with his wife and kids. So, who are Pat Sajak’s children? Keep reading to learn more about the family of this iconic game show host.

Pat Sajak has two children with his wife, Lesly Brown, to whom he has been married since 1989. Read on to learn more about the game show host’s children and their connections to “Wheel of Fortune.”

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