Cole Hauser, recognized for his role as Rip Wheeler in the television series “Yellowstone,” is a devoted father to three children, stemming from his enduring marriage to former actress Cynthia Lee Daniel. Here’s a glimpse into their life together. Born in Santa Barbara, California, Hauser hails from a family deeply rooted in the entertainment industry, with his father Cass Warner, an actor and founder of “Warner Sisters” film production company, and his mother, the daughter of actress Nina Wayne. Hauser made his acting debut in “School Ties” before appearing in Richard Linklater’s “Dazed and Confused.”

Yellowstone” star Cole Hauser is a dedicated father of three children from his longtime marriage to former Actress and teen star Cynthia Lee Daniel. Continue reading for a peek into their life together.

Cole Hauser is a famous American actor known for portraying Rip Wheeler on the Neo-Western Television series “Yellowstone.” His character had a steamy on-screen romance with Beth Dutton, played by actress Kelly Reilly.

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