In addition to her musical abilities and romantic adventures, Taylor Swift’s loyal fan base, known as Swifties, is renowned for her stunning cosmetics looks. Since her 2006 breakthrough single, “Tim McGraw,” peaked at number one on the Billboard charts, the singer has experimented with a variety of cosmetic looks. Swift has experimented with a variety of looks, including long lashes, pink tones, blue eyeliner, dark smoky eyes, and cat eyes that are “sharp enough to kill a man.” Not to mention all the red lipsticks she’s pulled off so well. However, have you ever wondered how Taylor Swift appears on her own?
Notwithstanding her seeming picture-perfect beauty, the celebrity has freely acknowledged having the understandable but undesirable habit of forgetting to take off her makeup. “I don’t always remember to remove my makeup.” Alright, pretty much all the time,” Swift admitted to Allure in 2011. However, the pop star’s makeup-free pictures show that she looks just as gorgeous without it as she does when performing on TV and on stages at her packed shows.