The heartbreaking incident occurred during a sleepover at a friend’s house, where Tommie encountered a dangerous challenge on TikTok. This particular challenge involved inhaling harmful gases or solvents to achieve a high. Shockingly, Tommie’s heart stopped immediately, causing him to tragically pass away.
This devastating loss is not an isolated incident. Two teenage girls also lost their lives while participating in the same dangerous “challenge” on TikTok. It is imperative that we spread awareness about this life-threatening trend and take action to protect our children.
Tommie’s mother, Sherry, has taken to social media, urging parents to have open conversations with their children and prevent them from engaging in risky behavior on TikTok. In a heartfelt Facebook post, she writes, “This cost my son his life from trying something other kids are doing. Please talk to your children about the consequences of this. It is beyond me why anyone would even try this! It’s so dangerous!”